Sunday, July 20, 2008

Make a wish!!!!

So I bet my mom has probably spilled all this out to all of you but Ill repeat it for her. There is this company called make a wish. They go to kids with severe sicknesses such as cancer and ask them what they most want in the world. Then they grant what the kid said and the family doesnt have to pay for anything. Well we signed up for it and porter quailified. When the poeple came they chatted with mom and dad for a bit then asked the question. Porter said disney world (not like we told him to say that or anything.). Unfortaunatly they said that the company has a policy. That policy was no child under the age of 7 can travel out of state. But they said thed try to find a loop hole with there boss and call us when they had the decieson. Two weeks later when me and my susters got back from our camp (which didnt take too long) our mom told us that they called. And somehow they got us in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so appearently this is just what ive heard. Our family is going to be picked up in a limo driven to the airport get a free flight to a hotel in the middle of disney world. i think the hotel is going to be first class but i dont know. they buy us some souviners that we want and we get to cut all lines in the park. Wich is totally awesome. I want to scream about it sooooo... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


To start of theres a huge FIRE near orville. That also is near camp okizu. so heres the long story. We got on the bus all happy to go to camp and had an awesome first day. I past the ten minitue floating swim test for my first time (horray). The second day started out real fun too. We all did our morning activities then right before baseball lunch( a lunch where its just like your at a b-ball game) the camp leader Dr. Mike came up to make an announcement. He said something around this: the fire is in a two mile range of our camp so we are going to have to evacuate the campsite after lunch. we will be sent to orville high. We dont know if we will stay there overnight or if the kids will be sent home. so after lunch grab a sleeping bag a toothbrush a pillow and valubles like gameboys and ipods. have a good lunch.(done.) So we all had a great b-ball lunch and at the end Dr.Mike came up agian and said: Remmber grab what you can and we have finally decided the kids will be sent home.(done.) so we grabbed what we could and all got crammed on two school buses down to the high school. We stayed there for around 6 HOURS. Fortaunalty we had food and games and string for freindship braclets (but it was still boring). one cool thing about taht was we got on tv when we were at the high school homless shelter. Then we got loaded on the buses and went home. So now were at home with hardley any clothes because we had to leave almost everything at camp. We have been watching the website for posts about the fire since yesterday and we really hope the fire doesnt hit the camp. Not the best camp storie huh?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

its finally been done!!

For those of you that have seen the blog wars post. Well I finally did it. I changed the name. also for those of you who want to know the old was parker rox alot (which i perfer!!)

trip to utah

we drove out to utah last week and had such a great time!!! heres some photos of the stuff we did. (I forgot the the first photo you put would end up as the last photo so the pictures are in backwards order of events.)

it was Aunt Beckies birthday on sunday so we had a big dinner with the family heres the cake we had afterward.
here it is agian.
we went to the dinasuar muesem with vela hema beckie and big hema.
we had such a great time. We also learned that there were thirteen pixies hidden among the pictures on the wall we found two heres a picture of one. it may be hard to see but its a little green pixie sharpening a spear.

ahhhhhh shark!!

look at those big muscels... I wish I were that strong.

our parents went to a big 20 year high school reiunon. we came to the daytime part with promises of snacks. But NO snacks. I was(and by I, I mean us) was bored half to death.

we had so much fun!!! we also played with the other cousins but didnt get any pictures.


Trophies trophies trophies! With all the diffrent activities weve been doing weve been getting alot of them. If your wondering what some of them are im gonna tell what all of them are. that first big trophie in the back row is emma or elizas first softball trophie for being on the big bad bluebirds. then theres my second year b-ball trophie, and another softball trophie,then in the first row that small thing in front is my graduation pin. Yes its a pin not a trophy but i wanted it there. I got it just recently when i graduated elementry school. im going into the big jiouner high. Then another baseball trophie, then a piano trophie(yes i got a trophie from paino which is kinda werid) and then my most recent b-ball trophie. Too Many trophies(but there all well deserved).