Sunday, October 11, 2009


I had another spiritual time this thursday. The youth in our ward got to go do baptisims for the dead this thursday at the oakland temple. It was so amazing, walking through the temple you could deifantly tell the spirit was strong there. And there was always this peacefull quietness. I loved it it was soo much fun, the youth in our ward alone got one hundred fifty baptisms and conformations done. It amazing being able to do that for poeple. I just got this great feeling inside that I did the right thing. That was just another amazing spiritual experience. I wonder what will happen next...

Alot Of Confrence

Last weekend me and my dad had a special father son trip. We flew out to utah to watch genral confrence in the actual confrence building. it was sooooooo much fun. We went to every saturday session. We actually had tickects for the morning and preisthood sesion, but we just asked if we could come in for the afternoon sesion and they let us. We actually got better seats then we did with tickets. It was so spiritual to sit next to my dad and listen to the confrence talks and realize that those poeple are actually in front of you. Today i bore my testimony in sacrement meeting about how on saturday morning, when Tomas S. monson walked into the room and everybody just stooped everythin and stood up. I had this feeling that this was the true prophet of God so I talked about that in church. One thing that really got annoying was how my dad kept on taking picture after picture and immidiatley posting it on facebook(he just started a while ago and now hes frantic about it). That was amazing weekend.