Sunday, October 11, 2009


I had another spiritual time this thursday. The youth in our ward got to go do baptisims for the dead this thursday at the oakland temple. It was so amazing, walking through the temple you could deifantly tell the spirit was strong there. And there was always this peacefull quietness. I loved it it was soo much fun, the youth in our ward alone got one hundred fifty baptisms and conformations done. It amazing being able to do that for poeple. I just got this great feeling inside that I did the right thing. That was just another amazing spiritual experience. I wonder what will happen next...

Alot Of Confrence

Last weekend me and my dad had a special father son trip. We flew out to utah to watch genral confrence in the actual confrence building. it was sooooooo much fun. We went to every saturday session. We actually had tickects for the morning and preisthood sesion, but we just asked if we could come in for the afternoon sesion and they let us. We actually got better seats then we did with tickets. It was so spiritual to sit next to my dad and listen to the confrence talks and realize that those poeple are actually in front of you. Today i bore my testimony in sacrement meeting about how on saturday morning, when Tomas S. monson walked into the room and everybody just stooped everythin and stood up. I had this feeling that this was the true prophet of God so I talked about that in church. One thing that really got annoying was how my dad kept on taking picture after picture and immidiatley posting it on facebook(he just started a while ago and now hes frantic about it). That was amazing weekend.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th!

HAPPY 4TH! I hope you all had a great fourth of july cuase we did. First we woke up. Then our ward had a potluck breakfast. And since the parade goes right past that block we set up the churchs chairs outside to watch. (But before the parade started me and my friends play two-hand-tag football with a stuffed hippo in the parking lot. Awesome huh?) The parade was awesome. But right in the middle of it me and my friend adam (hes one of the pople who played hippo football with me) realiazed that everyone around us had boxes of poppers(those little things that you throw at the ground and they make the noise). We asked around and found out they came from a float that passed us a while ago. So we ran down like 12 blocks to chatch up with them but when we got there they we all out, so we had to go all the way back. Then after that we had a Bar-B-Q in our backyard with tons of friends(like those guys i played football with). That was fun too. Then that night we watched the fireworks at this one place. So tons of poeple were sitting down on the grass the sprinklers all of a sudden turned on. So we watched the fireworks on the cement from then on. WE had a great fourth and i hope you all did too!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A shoutout to my DAD!

Today is fathers day so i just wanted to make a speacil post to my dad. Here are some of the things that I really love about you.
1. You love me to the moon and back
2. You're a good cook
3. you're super nice to me
4.You raise me to be kind and loving
5. you help me whenever i need it
6. you are always the for me
7. You are super supportive with all the things i do(piano,baseball,school,etc.)
8. you get me super nice new cell phones(it has a slide out texting keyboard) are super fun
10. you love to get up and do fun things
11. you would rather be with your family then anywhere else
I could go on but then this post would take up about two pages of my blog(maybe more).
I just want to say...
I Love You!
Another thing that I wanted to say was...


My baseball team is really good. Not to brag or anything but we made it to the playoffs with a win record of 20 wins and 1 loss. Then we made it to the championship. Now you would think the next best team would stand a pretty good chance. we beat them 14 to 3. Were good. Since we won the championships we go on to the T.O.C.'s(tournement of champions) where we play champions from other city leagues. Oh ya and for those of you who dont no we are the Mariners. So now we play against four other cities. We have already beaten two(and the toc is a lose and your out thing). We played the richmond yankees on wendsday. Beat them 10 to 0. then yesterday we played the concord-american A's. Beat them 6 to 0. Tommorow were playing some oakland team and we hope we can keep up this winning streak.


SUMMER IS HERE!!! We all finished school just last week. WE were sooooooooo excited for summer. Also the first week of summer was a blast! WE have been living at the pool already. I havent gone as much as my sisters due to fun activities. On monday i missed it for a b-day party at waterworld.It was awesome. Missed wendsday for a baseball game(season shlould be over but youll understand in the next post). And on friday we went to great america. It was lots of fun ecxept for the major injury part. We got on this ride and got ready to go when the lap restraint came down. It was extremly tight. for some reason they opened it agian. The dude said " Hold your lap restraint 2-3 inches away from your chest and on 3 i will lock it." Something sounds wrong with that right... your lap restraint goes on your lap not your chest. So he meant to say chest restraint. Eliza did not realize that. With one hand she held on to the arm rest thing and with the other she tried to push the lap restriant back. Now eliza is strong but shes not that strong so the lap restraint bent her hand backwards almost breaking her wrist. she started screaming "OPEN IT" so they did. Afterwards all the emt's had to come and check on it. It got alot better so we still had lots of fun afterwards but it still hurts her. Anyways we had a fun first week of summer. Our summer really ROX.
(P.S. I forgot to mention that my dad got me a brand new cell phone. It rox. It is the sprint LG rumor 2. It has a slide out texting keyboard. Thanks dad!!)

Monday, March 9, 2009


WOW! I have not posted in such a long time. Let me try to catch you guys up in one post. Well we went to Utah for Christmas and it was sooo much fun. I got 2 of the five things I wanted and then some. For some wierd reason i didnt get socks, board games and (I REALLY thought i'd get this one) a Wii. I also had a super fun new years with you guys, the fireworks were awesome. The next big thing that happened here was my twelfth B-day. I brought along alot of friends and we all went Ice skating (it was an inside ice rink- dont think it started snowing) it was tons of fun and i was really good at it. The day after I received the aaronic preisthood. That means that I've been passing the sacrement for over four weeks now. Also Buffy, whoops I mean my mom, has been cycling like crazy. She just did 82 miles last saturday and the big 1-0-0 is this saturday. And i'm right there to support here cause i have been going to early morining spin class with her at 24 hour fitness. Also Emma created a blog but we dont know how to get there so go to google and punch in emmasblog cause thats literally what its called. When you find the www. thingy tell us what it is.Whoopie I actually fit it all into one post I ROX!