Sunday, June 8, 2008

Camp okizu

Last week we went to camp okizu. It waz really fun!! We made some good freinds like in these pictures...
Heres emma holding a newt next to a good freind she made named serria... Heres me with my bud andreas...
There was a awesome lodge up there with tons of toys like this one.
Mom should start getting porter to mow the lawns it would save alot of money...

They have a big dance on the second night heres some of our family grooving...
They had an awesome ropes course with a huge zip line of course all of the kids went on it and we got a picture of us on it (except for me dad took the picture with his cell so i cant upload it)

Heres porter portsqueak on the zip...

eliza on the zip doing the spider man (I did that too)...

And lastly heres Emma on the zip...

We found this cool newt up at the lodge and so we took some pictures of it then were supposed to let it go but Emma and Eliza played with it the rest of the day.

Heres me (pretending) to get ready for a smooch with the newt!

WE had alot of fun at family camp!!!


The Pixton Family said...

Your blog rocks, I mean Rox!!!!!!!

Hema and Becky said...

That camp look like so much fun! What a fun thing to do together as a family! You will always remember the time you spnd with your family. You have great parents to take you kids there!

Jessica F. said...

What an awesome adventure! It looks like you guys had such a great time!