Sunday, October 26, 2008


I cant believe Halloween is almost here. We had our church party last night it was great. I dont have any pictures of costumes yet but when I get some they will be on here. I can at least tell you our costumes though. We have porter as the one and only Batman. Elizas going to pillage some candy as a pirate. Emmas gonna be up alll night as queen of the night. I saved the best for last ME!!! I'll give you a hint (for those who havent got my families halloween card) "The phantom of the operha is there in side my mind!" If you said Phantom of the operha then you are correct, I am the Phantom of the operha. Have a great Halloween everyone.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


We have been having alot of STUFF going on latley so we havent been alble to really keep up with this blog. But were are gonna start blogging alot more. Lately middle school(out here we start middle school in sixth grade) has been nice. Its alot more fun then a thought but also A TON more work then elementry school. My grades have been pretty high so far so I started of an a good note. Also Emma and Eliza have been having fun in school lately. Emma is in fourth grade with Ms.Norman as her teacher and eliza is in third grade with Ms.Andrews for a teacher. So school has been really nice.

Also just yesterday my family went to the pumpkin patch(a squirrel chomped on my moms jack-o-lanterns eye and stole his top so we needed to get some more pumpkins,and the rest of the family hasn't gotten pumpkins yet.). I got the perfectly perfect pumpkin from the pumpkin patch. Try saying that ten times fast. But its completly true it didnt have a scratch on it and it was huge. Well it didnt have a scratch on it untill we found a squirrel gnawed on it this morning(those dang squirrels!). We also went there to go into the cornfeild maze and we got out of it fast for two adults and four kids. We had alot of fun.