Monday, March 9, 2009


WOW! I have not posted in such a long time. Let me try to catch you guys up in one post. Well we went to Utah for Christmas and it was sooo much fun. I got 2 of the five things I wanted and then some. For some wierd reason i didnt get socks, board games and (I REALLY thought i'd get this one) a Wii. I also had a super fun new years with you guys, the fireworks were awesome. The next big thing that happened here was my twelfth B-day. I brought along alot of friends and we all went Ice skating (it was an inside ice rink- dont think it started snowing) it was tons of fun and i was really good at it. The day after I received the aaronic preisthood. That means that I've been passing the sacrement for over four weeks now. Also Buffy, whoops I mean my mom, has been cycling like crazy. She just did 82 miles last saturday and the big 1-0-0 is this saturday. And i'm right there to support here cause i have been going to early morining spin class with her at 24 hour fitness. Also Emma created a blog but we dont know how to get there so go to google and punch in emmasblog cause thats literally what its called. When you find the www. thingy tell us what it is.Whoopie I actually fit it all into one post I ROX!


Hema and Becky said...

It's nice to see an update!!! Glad you had fun here in Utah. It's pretty cool to know you are already passing the sacrament! You are such a great example to Little Hema. You should video tape yourself playing the piano and post it for us to see!!

Josh and Lar said...

thanks for the update parker!

Jessica F. said...

It was great seeing you guys at Christmas. I can't wait for you to come out here next month!!!

kate said...

Hi parker this is connor. How you doing? I am really exited to come this summer and build your room, IT WILL BE SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s. Say hi to your crazy sisters for me. :) see you this summer :)

kate said...

woops cant for get pixo boy poter say hi to him to :)

kate said...

..Connor meant to spell Porter not poter.

Abby's Blog said...

yo! parker!!
how do you get all these people on your blog??????
All i have is my uncle rob!!
who is kate??