Sunday, December 21, 2008

It went by so fast

This year has gone by sooo fast I cant believe its 4 days to christmas, then on to new years. Well as a pixton tradition we always spend christmas up in utah with the family, and we love it, so of course this tuesday we will be departing to utah and driving for twelve hours (the only bad part of going to utah) to get there. I caint wait to see you all. Well my wish list is pretty dang big (took up 2 and 1/2 pages) so ill name my top five things in order i want them(1st being most wanted)
1. Gutair Hero on Tour for D.S. 2.Wii 3. SOCKS (dont call me wierd cause I need them)
4. books and lots of them 5. some new baord games like risk spy alley and settlers of catan.
Well agian I cant wait to see all of you guys. Have a Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year!!

More Paino

Well we had our winter piano recital on december 13 last week. Our winter recaitel is way more formal then other recitals. We have to dress our best, play complet;ey memorized, have the pieces ready two weeks before hand and no talking. Well we all did fabulas. Emma played Lonley Pine, Young hunter and Angels We Have Heard on High. Eliza played Away in A Manger, Silent Night and We Three Kings. For the big finally I palyed Holly Jolly Christmas, Nimble Fingers and Little Dance. You guys probably dont know most of these songs( Lonley pine,young hunter, nimble fingers and little dance) but since were going to utah this tuesday and are going to try to visit all of you, if your house has a piano you will probably hear all of them.Well have a merry Christmas see you this week.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Life as I know it

Well I try to get in a new post weekly(preferably sunday) but there hasnt been too many big things going on right now. So as the title says Ill just tell you the little things in this weeks life.
First off my little sister Emma has left us. She went and started her own blog on thursday but Im not so sure if she has any posts yet. I also dont know how to get to her blog so just go to google and type in emmas blog. Anyway my mom just started the team and trianing season yesterday. She is oficailly doing the sulvang century now(i have know idea when it is though). She had her first training meeting this morning and she said it was really fun. Also if you ever see a reustraunt called Jollibees, DONT GO THERE. It was soo bad in fact my parents siad they would have rather eaten at MCdonalds, ya Mcdonalds. My mom got this rice and jumbo shrimp meal but the rice was disgusting and there were four of the smallest shrimp I have ever seen. Me and my sister got disgusting burgers, so did my dad. Eliza got some chicken that somehow tasted good and some mashed potatoes that tasted good too(lucky her). Ya worst reustrant ever. I hope you all had a good week and went to some actually good reustrants!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


I still dont have any halloween pictures but I have some info on the actual Halloween night. Our family went together with the porters(a family in the ward). Well we were moving slow as usual so i split off with my friends Adam and Charley. This was the first year that i went trick or treating without my family. I have to say my friend Charley had the best costume ive ever seen. He was the gieco caveman. You know "its so easy a caveman could it" those comercials, well he had a club a bone neklace a mask and everything i mean i was just soo cool. Well when i got home i realized i had gotten more candy then emma and eliza combined. I knew they went slowly like every year. Well i hope you all had a great halloween.


As most of you know I have been playing piano for years. Well my sister Emma started up a couple of months ago and my other sister Eliza jsut strted playing last week. Well since i have been playing piano for a while i have been to many recietals. But my sisters on the other hand had there first recietal last week. They both did soo wonderful but i was really surprised about eliza. She had, had only one lesson with the teacher, yet she still played a great song without the book. I think we all did great and had a great time.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


I cant believe Halloween is almost here. We had our church party last night it was great. I dont have any pictures of costumes yet but when I get some they will be on here. I can at least tell you our costumes though. We have porter as the one and only Batman. Elizas going to pillage some candy as a pirate. Emmas gonna be up alll night as queen of the night. I saved the best for last ME!!! I'll give you a hint (for those who havent got my families halloween card) "The phantom of the operha is there in side my mind!" If you said Phantom of the operha then you are correct, I am the Phantom of the operha. Have a great Halloween everyone.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


We have been having alot of STUFF going on latley so we havent been alble to really keep up with this blog. But were are gonna start blogging alot more. Lately middle school(out here we start middle school in sixth grade) has been nice. Its alot more fun then a thought but also A TON more work then elementry school. My grades have been pretty high so far so I started of an a good note. Also Emma and Eliza have been having fun in school lately. Emma is in fourth grade with Ms.Norman as her teacher and eliza is in third grade with Ms.Andrews for a teacher. So school has been really nice.

Also just yesterday my family went to the pumpkin patch(a squirrel chomped on my moms jack-o-lanterns eye and stole his top so we needed to get some more pumpkins,and the rest of the family hasn't gotten pumpkins yet.). I got the perfectly perfect pumpkin from the pumpkin patch. Try saying that ten times fast. But its completly true it didnt have a scratch on it and it was huge. Well it didnt have a scratch on it untill we found a squirrel gnawed on it this morning(those dang squirrels!). We also went there to go into the cornfeild maze and we got out of it fast for two adults and four kids. We had alot of fun.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Ok so for all of you who dont know who alex rozier is hes my cousin once removed(or my moms cousin). We bot are totally in love with pokemon( for all of you who dont know what that is either its a tv show a video game theres cards of it and its about cool monsters with superpowers) so we are like totally tight. We had been planning him coming out for months and he just came out last week. Well he stayed from friday till sunday but it felt too short. I mean we only got through half the ds game that takes most poeple a couple months to beat. So on saturday night i asked my mom if i could go to his house in visalia for a couple days when his parents came to pick him up. My mom seirously thought his mom would say no so she said if his mom said yes then its okay. Well miraculasly she said yes. So i packed my bags in about five mintues and after lunch i was off. Well we thought it would only be three days bout i stayed there for five(enough to beat the game twice!!). We had such a great time. Unfortuanatly when we meet halfway form alemeda and visiala at mcdonalds i forgot my bag. which included the charger for my game system some cloths my swimsiut my goggles and other willy nilly. but hopefully we will get it back sometime this week.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Make a wish!!!!

So I bet my mom has probably spilled all this out to all of you but Ill repeat it for her. There is this company called make a wish. They go to kids with severe sicknesses such as cancer and ask them what they most want in the world. Then they grant what the kid said and the family doesnt have to pay for anything. Well we signed up for it and porter quailified. When the poeple came they chatted with mom and dad for a bit then asked the question. Porter said disney world (not like we told him to say that or anything.). Unfortaunatly they said that the company has a policy. That policy was no child under the age of 7 can travel out of state. But they said thed try to find a loop hole with there boss and call us when they had the decieson. Two weeks later when me and my susters got back from our camp (which didnt take too long) our mom told us that they called. And somehow they got us in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so appearently this is just what ive heard. Our family is going to be picked up in a limo driven to the airport get a free flight to a hotel in the middle of disney world. i think the hotel is going to be first class but i dont know. they buy us some souviners that we want and we get to cut all lines in the park. Wich is totally awesome. I want to scream about it sooooo... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


To start of theres a huge FIRE near orville. That also is near camp okizu. so heres the long story. We got on the bus all happy to go to camp and had an awesome first day. I past the ten minitue floating swim test for my first time (horray). The second day started out real fun too. We all did our morning activities then right before baseball lunch( a lunch where its just like your at a b-ball game) the camp leader Dr. Mike came up to make an announcement. He said something around this: the fire is in a two mile range of our camp so we are going to have to evacuate the campsite after lunch. we will be sent to orville high. We dont know if we will stay there overnight or if the kids will be sent home. so after lunch grab a sleeping bag a toothbrush a pillow and valubles like gameboys and ipods. have a good lunch.(done.) So we all had a great b-ball lunch and at the end Dr.Mike came up agian and said: Remmber grab what you can and we have finally decided the kids will be sent home.(done.) so we grabbed what we could and all got crammed on two school buses down to the high school. We stayed there for around 6 HOURS. Fortaunalty we had food and games and string for freindship braclets (but it was still boring). one cool thing about taht was we got on tv when we were at the high school homless shelter. Then we got loaded on the buses and went home. So now were at home with hardley any clothes because we had to leave almost everything at camp. We have been watching the website for posts about the fire since yesterday and we really hope the fire doesnt hit the camp. Not the best camp storie huh?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

its finally been done!!

For those of you that have seen the blog wars post. Well I finally did it. I changed the name. also for those of you who want to know the old was parker rox alot (which i perfer!!)

trip to utah

we drove out to utah last week and had such a great time!!! heres some photos of the stuff we did. (I forgot the the first photo you put would end up as the last photo so the pictures are in backwards order of events.)

it was Aunt Beckies birthday on sunday so we had a big dinner with the family heres the cake we had afterward.
here it is agian.
we went to the dinasuar muesem with vela hema beckie and big hema.
we had such a great time. We also learned that there were thirteen pixies hidden among the pictures on the wall we found two heres a picture of one. it may be hard to see but its a little green pixie sharpening a spear.

ahhhhhh shark!!

look at those big muscels... I wish I were that strong.

our parents went to a big 20 year high school reiunon. we came to the daytime part with promises of snacks. But NO snacks. I was(and by I, I mean us) was bored half to death.

we had so much fun!!! we also played with the other cousins but didnt get any pictures.


Trophies trophies trophies! With all the diffrent activities weve been doing weve been getting alot of them. If your wondering what some of them are im gonna tell what all of them are. that first big trophie in the back row is emma or elizas first softball trophie for being on the big bad bluebirds. then theres my second year b-ball trophie, and another softball trophie,then in the first row that small thing in front is my graduation pin. Yes its a pin not a trophy but i wanted it there. I got it just recently when i graduated elementry school. im going into the big jiouner high. Then another baseball trophie, then a piano trophie(yes i got a trophie from paino which is kinda werid) and then my most recent b-ball trophie. Too Many trophies(but there all well deserved).

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Camp okizu

Last week we went to camp okizu. It waz really fun!! We made some good freinds like in these pictures...
Heres emma holding a newt next to a good freind she made named serria... Heres me with my bud andreas...
There was a awesome lodge up there with tons of toys like this one.
Mom should start getting porter to mow the lawns it would save alot of money...

They have a big dance on the second night heres some of our family grooving...
They had an awesome ropes course with a huge zip line of course all of the kids went on it and we got a picture of us on it (except for me dad took the picture with his cell so i cant upload it)

Heres porter portsqueak on the zip...

eliza on the zip doing the spider man (I did that too)...

And lastly heres Emma on the zip...

We found this cool newt up at the lodge and so we took some pictures of it then were supposed to let it go but Emma and Eliza played with it the rest of the day.

Heres me (pretending) to get ready for a smooch with the newt!

WE had alot of fun at family camp!!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Pixton Pickin' Party

Yesterday we had a big benifiet party held for our family. Some poeple from our ward and school helped put it together. At 5:00 they started the whole thing. You bought tickets and then you were ready to go (of course we got to do everything for free). There was a jumper house/slide, lots of food, four blue grass bands perform, raffles baloon animals and swords, face painting and more. It was very fun and were are so thankful for all the money donated for our medical bills. IT WAZ FUN!!!!!!!

Ive finally finished!!!

Ive finally finished!!! I just finished uploading everything and got the whole blog base down. I think the pixton kids are ready for some serious blogging. Oh and I also learned how to upload some pictures. So be prepared for some ultimite blogging from us!!!!!!

Blog Wars

For the first fifteen minutes all of the kids were happy with the blog. But then Emma and Eliza just had to get angry because of the name. We argued about it for a while untill I decided on this. Asking if you guys know how to change the name? So if you do post a comment and tell me. But i really dont think there is a way so just pretend that the blog is called Pixton Kids Rock Alot ok. Thanks.


I may have already said this but we love baseball/softball. Eliza and emma are on the team big bad blue birds(from what I hear emma came up with the name with her friends). Also I am on the bats. You may be wondering what are positions are well we switch off. But here are our normal positions. Emma: Left Feild, Center field, Catcher and second base. Eliza: Right Feild, Center Feild,Left Feild and third Base. Parker(me): Right Feild, Center Feild,Left Field, Second base and Third base. We also are all pretty good hitters.

this is my blog

You may all now the california pixton family blog. Well this is the kids very own blog. I (parker) will be the one posting the stuff with the help of my minions (Emma,Eliza and porter). So I hope you enjoy it.