Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th!

HAPPY 4TH! I hope you all had a great fourth of july cuase we did. First we woke up. Then our ward had a potluck breakfast. And since the parade goes right past that block we set up the churchs chairs outside to watch. (But before the parade started me and my friends play two-hand-tag football with a stuffed hippo in the parking lot. Awesome huh?) The parade was awesome. But right in the middle of it me and my friend adam (hes one of the pople who played hippo football with me) realiazed that everyone around us had boxes of poppers(those little things that you throw at the ground and they make the noise). We asked around and found out they came from a float that passed us a while ago. So we ran down like 12 blocks to chatch up with them but when we got there they we all out, so we had to go all the way back. Then after that we had a Bar-B-Q in our backyard with tons of friends(like those guys i played football with). That was fun too. Then that night we watched the fireworks at this one place. So tons of poeple were sitting down on the grass the sprinklers all of a sudden turned on. So we watched the fireworks on the cement from then on. WE had a great fourth and i hope you all did too!


Jessica F. said...

I am glad you had so much fun! 4th of July is the best.

Hema and Becky said...

Sounds liek fun. We missed having you guys here this year for the 4th! How funny that the sprinklers came on!